Well, where has the week gone?????
I’ve been indulging in my fascination with sacred music.
With the mass Tuesday and the Enthronement today, “the best” of Christian
tradition has been on display to the world. I eagerly listened to the entire
mass Tuesday; At least all of the music that PBS included in their unedited
Now, before some of you get all huffy and start spewing
negatives, let me say that I will not tolerate slamming of music used in worship.
Several years ago, I had an epiphany of sorts. I witnessed a group from the
other side of the world sharing a song. Even though I had dutifully studied “Church
music” for many years, I didn’t “get it” until that moment. I now honor how
people sing in worship with a humble heart knowing my voice isn’t the final
So, back to Tuesday. I’ve had the pleasure of standing in
St. Peter Basilica. It’s huge! It’s Renaissance! It’s a tall order for any
vocal group. I enjoyed the chant and motets the groups performed. They fit.
They were meet and right.
And now for Thursday. I would like to visit Canterbury now. I
can see it’s huge! I can see it’s English! I can imagine how it must sound. I
enjoyed hearing the snippets that BBC Radio broadcast. I look forward to
listening to the whole service at some point. If I can find it on line.
I have been tatting. I tried to get the triangle corrected.
And failed. I started the cluny medallion/motif in the color thread. I think it
looks quite well in pink and blue. Rather like a nursery decoration. I also
worked on the designs in progress. All that tatting and nothing to show for
pictures or scans. Sorry. I promise to regain my focus….soon. Right after I
listen to a Utube of a favorite organ piece I stumbled upon.