
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Just to remind me

 I really love where I live. I have a hard time imagining vacationing someplace else. If I want to stroll by the Bay, I just head down the hill ¼ mile. If I want to hike up to the top of a hill, I just head up ¼ mile. If I want to curl up with a good book, I just do that. If I want to work on projects big and small, I can do that in a different room. If I want to play organ, or piano, or harpsichord, I have that chance. I really love where I live!

Just in case I don’t remember to be grateful, the house reminds me at sunrose with this:  

Our front door faces (mostly) East. This is what appears on a post inside when the sun shines through the peephole in the front door.

I am grateful!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Snowflake success


I have never had a difficulty using colors when tatting. Sometimes I struggle to get the colors right, but I enjoy combining the negative space of lace with the interplay of colors. I think it’s great fun!!

I like how this one came out:

It’s a gift, so I’ll be boxing it up soon.

I have quite a few patterns in the to-tat pile, but I just may have to tat this one in another colors combination. I’m thinking something quite subtle.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

One down five to go…


We interrupt your tatting of a corner for the edging to bring you the outer round of December 3 snowflake from 24 Snowflakes by Lene Bjorn. I like the colors!

Friday, October 20, 2023

One down....three to go


I’m happy with this. It will work just fine to complete out the corner of this edging. Now to tat three more!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Is it my age?

 Warning: This is a bit of a rant and grumpiness.

You’re forewarned!

Have you ever wondered at how people react to your creative output? I have.

Having started performing at age 11, my experience has run the gamut. “You’ll learn how to play some year.” “It must be discouraging when you realize you’ve lost your edge.” I often wonder if people are just repeating what they’ve heard or curious or just plain mean. It doesn’t encourage young people to take up a creative pursuit. I was banking on being replaced by younger performers. I’m growing tired. But I can only control what I do.

Perhaps a lot of my situation is my choice NOT to color my hair. I don’t mind looking over 60. I don’t create to give people an escape from reality. Just to spread some beauty in the world and help people to feal in a cold, rough life. 

I find people still judge and assume. That’s part of creating. You have to accept that will part of the experience of creating and putting your work out there. When I play music, I have to accept that it won’t touch people the way it touches me. When I tat lace, I have to accept that it won’t bring smiles and joy to people. That’s what a creative life means. I can only control what I do.

I find more aspects of my life besides music and lace are being influenced by my perceived age. Where I live, what my house looks like, what I choose to attend and how I talk about my creative life. Maybe that means I’m involved more with people now. I’m no longer practicing and tatting in solitude. I’m out and about more. I’m teaching more. I’m in more situations where my creative output is for sale.

It’s interesting. I guess it is my age.

Or is it the age I live in?

Thursday, October 12, 2023

It needs something


Remember the edging I showed yesterday? Well, I found a sample I wove of a Huck Lace pattern. I kinda like how it looks on it.

 But, I think the corners need something. Maybe this?

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Almost finished

Many moons ago I started this edging. After many interruptions, aided by several plane rides, I’ve finished tatting. Now to see what I can do with it after blocking.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Getting organized

 It’s that time of year. I typically spend a few days in October organizing myself and all my “stuff” for the mad careening towards Christmas. So, I’ve pulled out my paper and pencil. I will likely end up using the computer at some point, but I’m usually moving around and sifting through stacks of music and patterns and such. Paper and pencil just work better.

You’d think with the weeks I’ve been in “forced inactivity” that getting organized would go faster. Unfortunately, it seems to be going slower. Perhaps I haven’t fully recovered enough to rev up to full speed. I’ll keep working at it.

I’m just so close to finishing a couple of projects. The finishing will be more complicated for the tatted projects. More in a couple of weeks!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Doing my best to ensure health

 My daily routine will include new activities to make sure I continue to regain my health. Some tasks will be ongoing forever: stretching and exercising, taking medications, and eating wisely. (I’ve never liked to use the word “diet” as I’m of slender build. You know how many times I’ve heard I don’t need to diet? Enough times I’ve stopped embarrassing those people and just move on!) Some tasks will be temporary or just once: inactivity, vaccines, countless tests. (The more I learn about what happened to me in February and March, the more I have to rely on data to figure out what to do next.)

I took care of one of those yearly tasks yesterday: I got a flu shot. I’m still not completely sold that it will help me that much. But now that I’m in the same health demographic as many of the target patients, I’m more inclined to get the vaccine. That hasn’t always been the case. The result this year is that I don’t feel bad, just a bit more tired. My heart rate hasn’t spiked, I’m not running a fever, and I was able to rest yesterday. Today I need to prepare for the rest of the week. It’ll be hotter tomorrow and the next day, so we need to water a few plants.

I hope to get back to the shuttles and such tomorrow. I’m so close to finishing the pointed edging. It looks good, but still needs the last few rings and of course blocking.