
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Where I am.....

Disaster almost struck! The Marjorie Evans gallery at Sunset Center where the Art Auction items are displayed is a wide hallway. Actually a T shape. There are 2 cases in the long section either side of the door to the parking lot. You can just make out one in the photo on the website (link above). The display surface is quite nice for size and height. Each case can comfortably hold 6 or so pieces of small art. The very, very heavy glass on top is a huge upside down box. I’d show you a picture, but I have been told other artists don’t like pictures of their art out there. So, I try to honor the spirit of community. (I don’t get it to be honest. Once I donate a piece, it’s not mine. And I frequently am surprised in good ways!) As the pulling of the tickets gets closer, I’ll sneak a picture. Promise!

The disaster was this: someone lost their footing close to the case and fell into the pedestal jostling everything. I was assured they were not seriously injured. My piece wasn’t affected, but a small picture on a stand toppled. It landed right side up thank heavens! And the very, very heavy glass sculpture stayed in place. Disaster almost struck!

I’m continuing to receive positive comments about the piece. I’ve got plans to tat the design again. I’m thinking larger thread so that it could be a door wreath. Must experiment…….
After the Festival ends though. I’ve already attended 4 concerts.  I have tickets to another half dozen or so. 

Time for a walk by the bay to clear my head. I’ve an ear worm of the opening of a Bach piece from Sunday. It is so similar to the piece I played for Postlude that morning. Both are Fanfares and very Festive!


  1. It is such a relief that disaster didn't happen. That was lucky. I agree, if you donate something you shouldn't make claims about what happens to it.

    1. My patient proofreader/sounding board has gently told me that artists usually feel responsible for how their art effects people. Ok, I can see that, but it's just not me!

  2. Lucky save! Your piece truly is special and I like the idea of using one as a wreath!

    1. Ok, that means that idea can go to the top of that portion of the "to-tat" list!
