
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Blue Field of Flag

I’m very lucky to have a good space to work on my tatting at my house. Remember the tatting chair? I still TIP (tat in public) quite often. It’s not practical to take all of my projects out the door though. So, I always have a smaller, generic project in the ole tatting bag.
my bag for tatting in public
what's inside my TIP bag

 My current project? A tatted USA flag. I first found this pattern through the OnLine Tatting Class several years ago. Now, Workbasket was not a scholarly magazine. It was published several times a year with all sorts of handiwork projects described. The patterns sometimes needed a bit of editing, but they can be a great springboard for a creative tatter.

I’ve been intrigued by this flag pattern for quite some time. I could tell with a bit of study that we didn’t have the whole pattern. Well, not just the whole pattern, but if you followed the pattern as given, you would have one funky lookin’ flag! Fast forward several years to summer 2014.

I’ve been working on my version. Here’s what I have so far. 
blue field of US flag
This blue field will have white tatted stars sewn on top. The red and white stripes are next to tat. I can’t wait to see it done. It’ll probably be next summer before I get very far. Sigh!

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