
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

What sets you back on track?

 Ever get the feeling you’ve wandered off the trail and are crashing through the underbrush? Your progress towards your destination slows, you may even lose your direction, or you realize you’re standing in poison oak in the fall. Life has a way of happening, doesn’t it?

Well, last week I lost the trail and found myself in the middle of a thicket of errors.

This week?

I’ve found the trail. I figured out what needs to happen to finish off the doily with lots of beads. I should have pictures soon.

In the meantime, I took a moment to enjoy sunrise and walk by the Bay.


  1. Yes, good question. Glad you’re back on track anyway!

  2. You paint such a vivid picture with your words! Well my health has been playing spoilsport in a similar manner and hampering my progress. Life bounces back, though, given time and patience 😉

    1. I hope you do bounce back quickly enough to pick up your progress! I'd send you patience, but my computer took all mine just now. I need a walk to find more.....
