
Thursday, September 23, 2021

It's all wrong!

Warning: this post is created by Miss Grumpy.

My efforts with shuttle have produced a mess. My efforts with needles have produced knots. My efforts with marketing my teaching have produced snarky. My efforts at organizing my house have produced piles of boxes.



I like organ music because it is innovative: you pick your stops based on criteria that changes with each instrument.

I like tatting because it is innovative: there is no “right” way to create the lace.

I like living in a historic home because it is innovative: when a component is no longer manufactured, or custom built how many years ago, you must create a new way.

When you innovate, you make mistakes.

Maybe my mistakes will yield a new innovative way to ???????

At the very least Miss Grumpy needs to leave so I can enjoy life!


  1. Sometimes it feels as though the universe is grumpy! Then everything goes smoothly and grumpiness recedes. You’re right, if you experiment, you have to expect some failures. Preferably not all at once though!

    1. Yes! Things do even out. Not everything yet, but close. Enjoy your weekend.
