
Thursday, July 19, 2018

Magic at a Mission

Last night was another magical experience. The Carmel Mission never disappoints. Even though the organ is in an awkward position as installations go; Even though the benches get hard and uncomfortable if you’re not standing, kneeling, sitting or generally participating; Even though it’s so long and narrow that you feel as though you’re sitting at one end zone and all the action is at the other. It’s just magical. And built by people who probably didn’t know the theory behind the architecture, but knew to copy the masters. The music just envelopes you and you’re "magiced" away.

Last night, I made sure I was in place to listen to the Tower Music. The set was presented by three very talented and accomplished trumpeters. I’d heard the Britten before, and it is still intriguing. He melds three very different fanfares into a sometimes discordant, but always captivating piece. What I really wanted to hear was the 3 Part Invention. Bach Inventions are so intriguing to me. In this arrangement, the trumpets each play a line following the original score. So, one trumpet plays in the treble clef, one in the bass clef, and one jumps around in between. Sound complicated, yes! Those three melodic parts all mesh together to create chords and harmony. Why was I so focused on those few minutes of music?

Because I envision tatting designs of disparate elements all meshing together to create lace.

The music was wonderful. I’m sad to say that I’m not any closer to a design. I will need to hear this again next Wednesday!


  1. After reading this, I had to search and now I've been listening Bach for quite an hour, thank you. My knowledge about music is very very poor, though.
