
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Fair Prep begins

Remember this post ? Well, the Monterey County Fair has created a division for Cro-Tat work. When I was gifted the tool 5 years ago, there wasn’t much available for information on Cro-tatting. Georgia does have a tutorial from a 1869 publication and reviews books distributed by Annie’s Attic.

And then there’s the doily I found in a resale shop:

The crazy thing about that doily is how it matches a doily my Italian tatting friend, Ninetta, found in a small shop near her home! So, how is this done? O_o? (confused face)

My crochet skills are abysmal. I hope to convince a friend to collaborate with me to create a cro-tat something to enter in the fair

In the meantime, I've finished another stripe of the flag and am ready for Round 5 of my Wisona 2017 doily. Whew!!! 


  1. I hope you'll share what you find out, because I'm baffled by cro-tat too.

  2. I learned a bit more during the tatting study group yesterday. I hope to have something to show tomorrow.

  3. That is beautiful! It looks similar to the "tatted" collar I bought online.

  4. I'm having fun exploring Cro-Tat technique. The knots the same knot. Just like with needle, my first few rings are loose and wonky. I've yet to figure out if my crochet skills are up to snuff. More tomorrow.

  5. I would be very tempted to convert the crochet parts to tatting. It's a pretty doily, but my 'thread crochet' patience is almost nonexistent. My tatting patience, though, is almost endless. (ALMOST - that's an important word!) ;)

    1. My thoughts at first, but I have colorized thoughts now......
