
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

musings on Norris book

Have you ever wondered why you keep something around? For “someday”??? For “giving out on loan”??? For “remembering the person who gave it to you”???

Well, I have kept a book my mother sent me eons ago. I don’t even remember when. I can guess as she wrote in the cover that she was reading it, so that means before the Alzheimers got serious. The title is “The CloisterWalk” by Kathleen Norris. It’s slow going for me. I don’t have as much time for reading now as I used to. I find myself rereading sections as I can’t remember what the take away was. Occasionally I find myself giggling. As when I read, “You never really finish anything in life,” she says, “and while that’s humbling and frustrating, it’s all right.” (pg. xiii) This is not a quote of her words, but a quote she used; a friend educated by the Benedictines talking about her sanity with regards to time.

Maybe that’s why I have so many unfinished projects??? No? Well, it was a thought…….

I’m sure I’ll find other things to share here about the book. It’s available in both my local libraries. I’m sure it’s available for purchase too. I just never seem to spend money on books when there’s so much thread to buy!

Tomorrow Jane will release the next section of the TIAS 2013. I don’t have a good guess as to what we’re tatting. Stay tuned though…..

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