The last few weeks fall under “best laid plans” heading
for what I’ve posted here.
And the next few weeks look even more tenuous.
So, this blog is going into random mode until….well…..August.
Random post #1:
I’ve been drawing on the experienced gardeners in my
circle of friends. They have been very generous in helping me identify and
learn about the plants that came with the house. My latest “discovery” is that
the volunteer plants with the really big leaves and majestic stalk with blooms
in the back is Foxglove. I recognized the name, just not the plant. I tried to
take a picture, but they back up against the arbors and I couldn’t frame a
decent shot that you could actually see the plant. Short of using a selfie
stick….which I DO NOT own! Why would I want a picture of me in front of
something worth taking a picture of?
Back to Foxglove. I have done a bit more research and
identified several more volunteers in the process. Now I need to get more
expert advice on transplanting/design tips for this neighborhood. Sunset Garden
Book is very informative, just not detailed enough for me and my mess….I mean
yard. I’m hoping to have plans drawn up so that we can begin planting as the rainy
season returns.
In the meantime, I’m finalizing a bookmark design based
on a Beethoven symphony, plugging away on the flag and also the Wiosna 2017
doily, and preparing for an Organ Convention, Bach Festival and a mini
vacation. I’ll be back….whenever! Enjoy the start of June and summer.