Just temporarily I assure you. The work on the house continues. So far, everything is going well except for it taking a very long time. I’m used to work being done at a snail’s pace. My usual handyman is very good, and very slow. His price is right too! The work didn’t cause that many leaks during the rain last weekend. That water snuck in through a different part of the roofing. Sigh! Of course, the rain came at night, so we were serenaded with “plink, plink, plink” while trying to sleep. Yawn! I think it’s safe to wash the towels we used…..I think.
I’m still sampling for the bright color bun holder. I’m
still setting up the ticking project. I’ve begun to take care of tasks for the
Holidays. I’ve been busy and just a bit temporarily overwhelmed. Perhaps
pictures after this week.
I tried to comment yesterday, but got an error message. We had our roof mended during the dry season , have recently had rain to test it and there was no plink plink, hooray. Good luck, I know it’s not easy to get a roof watertight.