
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

I like busy but......

 My performing life is heating up. That doesn’t leave much energy for taking care of my house, creating with shuttles or needles or hooks. I’ll just need to be more organized in how I spend my time. So, don’t expect too many photos in the next couple of months. I will share what I have. That means that when I finish the teaching samples I’ve got on the shuttles, you’ll see them. Honest! In the meantime, if you’re in the Monterey Bay area, you can come and hear the music I create!


  1. If you need to concentrate on the music, we’ll wait to see some tatting! Enjoy.

  2. Wishing you successful performances! It's show time!

  3. Wish I lived closer! Will be thinking of you.... Enjoy making beautiful music!
