
Monday, October 24, 2022

Ready for snow


Well, we don’t get snow here. Unless you drive a few hours to the mountains. Then, you can ski and sled and snowboard and watch from the lodge. I usually end up tatting away in a warm, comfy chair! I finished this sitting in my sunny room at home. The thread is Liz Metallic in the color Frappe. It looks a bit burnished when you tat it up. I like it. Almost like pewter in the photo. The pattern is from Festive Snowflakes.

I’ll be getting back to these soon, but the yard needs tending and with the shorter days, I run out of time. Here’s what I found yesterday in our yard. The bush sends long stems out for these. I think the blooms would make good corsages or bunches for vases.


  1. We don’t get snow here either -good thing we can tat our own! Love your metallic snowflake with beads. Beautiful rose.

    1. Thank you! I'll confess to being weary of taking care of the yard all year long. The weeds never stop, timing your pruning can be a frustrating experience. I feel like I've been playing the tables at Las Vegas each time!! But it's nice not to have snow on the ground.

  2. Lovely snowflake! The colour of your rose is marvellous!

    1. I can't fathom duplicating the rose in thread or paint. I would never capture it!

  3. I think your snowflake would shine beautifully in Christmas tree.

  4. Wonderful snowflake!! :)
    That is a beautiful rose!! :)
    We get show here in Michigan and I have been watching for it. Looks like we might get some this weekend. ;)
