
Thursday, March 20, 2025

What should I do next?

I finished a round of my hair bun holder. It's a bit different from my previous ones:

Before I add the rings to finish out the 4-ring set to each repeat, I need to decide what the next round will look like and what beads I would like to use. That way I can prepare picots for bead joins and how I’ll transition from this lacier section to a fabric that can hold in the ends of hair. That creates a neater finish to the hairstyle which is my goal. Especially when I’m trying to look nice performing or presenting.

Time to pull out the sketch paper and brainstorm away!

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

One step forward, two steps back

 That’s what has been happening with my shuttles lately. I look at the pattern, tat the element, realize I’ve made a mistake and spend time correcting it. So, there are no pictures to share. I have decided what to do for the Fantasia piece. One more decision and then I’ll start to tat in earnest.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

This is more like what I envisioned


Here are all three samples. The top left is the half stitch count, the bottom left is the original Lene Bjorn pattern. The yarn on the right is KC Botanical Bamboo/cotton blend. There’s a LOT of ply in this with a gentle twist and a lovely sheen. I like the color name: Feather Grey. It works up nicely using a needle. With the added picots filling the negative space created by the chains, I think it will make a nice cloth.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

When you want a change


This is my version of a lovely square designed by Lene Bjorn. I found it in Tatting Together Square Motifs by Iris Niebach. The book is a collection of “magic squares” designed as a part of a workshop. It’s been fun to explore. I used one design as inspiration for Glissando. I tested this out as a possibility for making a vest out of some bamboo-cotton yarn. It’s a bit too open for my taste as a garment. So, I adapted:

I simply divided all the stitch counts by 2 for this version. There’s still a bit more negative space than I like, but I think I’m on the right track.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Now that's looking nice!

I finished round 4 of the Spring Doily. I like how this thread makes it looks like a flower.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A bit of a finish


Wiosna 2025 round 3

I think this round of the Spring Doily adds quite a bit to the pattern!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Not quite enough


I had fun laying samples of edgings up next to the Assisi motif I stitched. It wasn’t hard to pick the size thread I should use. It wasn’t that hard to pick the color from my stash. I narrowed it down to a couple of options. But…..

I decided there needed to be more of a buffer between the negative space in the stitching and the tatted edging. But……

I couldn’t find the floss I used. It’s here somewhere…..

I decided to use a darker color to provide a bit of a mat effect. We’ll see where this takes me.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Hiding ends


For those who dislike hiding ends after tatting a lovely piece of lace. This post just may give you the willies. To start with, I persevered with plunging the canvas of the elephant ear to attach the applique piece.

The next step: tack down the ends of the canvas.

I estimate it will take me weeks as I usually run out of steam after hiding 4 ends. 

I wonder where that comes from? 

Oh yeah….


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Ready for Combining

I finished the Assisi motif. I used deep purple floss. Now to imagine what I want the tatting to go around the outside to look like……

Another round of the Spring Doily has been released. I like this pattern a lot!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Dusted, not done, and ready for Round 3

I finally got everything corrected and completed Round 2 of Renulek’s Spring Doily. I’ve already filled 3 sheets of paper with notes and such for the class tomorrow. Mostly, they come under the heading of, “Tat carefully paying attention to….”

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

I'm combining it again

First off, I did get the mistake corrected. I’m still getting back to that point as I tat. I just haven’t been tatting much lately. Why? Well, I’ve been having fun with Orgelkids at the Pedals, Pipes and Pizza that our San Jose Chapter of the AGO put on last Saturday. There’s also been lots to do around the house with the “upgrade” project coming to a finish. And then there’s another Atmospheric River coming in tomorrow. I took the time yesterday to make sure wind and rain will do less damage. No, we don’t have to barricade with plywood, nor do we have to sandbag or move things to high ground. It didn’t really take that much time, just added to the long list of chores I seem to face lately. But, if my efforts at my house can make sure personnel are available to help others, I’ll put that effort in.

Monday, I spent some time with a lovely group of stitchers. I’ve learned so much about the historical use of fibers, how to work with different threads, and whether my idea might just work or be pleasing to others. This time around, we looked at Assisi embroidery. Being rooted in the use of negative space, I was inspired and rejuvenated. We were encouraged to stitch a small sample. This is what I chose.

Of course, I was imagining all kinds of ways to combine it with tatting! I can already see in my mind the edging I wish to tat for it!!

But first, I really must sit down and make sure I’m making time for what’s important. Just after I take a walk by the ocean before the rain starts!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

And it was going so nicely!

I’m enjoying tatting Renulek’s Wiosna 2025. The first few rounds are full of interesting techniques. Each round looks nice on its own and plays nice with the next round added. Brilliant!

If only my tatting were brilliant……

I missed a picot and 6 DS in a chain. If this were an outer round, I might live with it. If I had an abundance of this thread, I’d just snip and begin again. As it is, I’m picking it up each day and un-tatting 3 elements. I’ll be finished in time to take it with me this weekend on a short trip.

Incidentally, the thread doesn’t appear this tan in real life. It has a bit of a khaki green hue to it in lamp light and sunlight shows a different combination to my eyes. Of course, I’ve learned the hard way not to trust my eyes. I’m always asking other people what they think of color combinations I come up with. I’ve also learned that when I come up with a combination that looks “different” to my eyes, I need to combine it with other colors for a more pleasing look. What color should I combine with this????

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Do you tat tight?

Is that a bad thing? Should tatting be soft and fluid like crochet or should it be crisp and stable like hardanger? These questions can start disagreements. I’ve no wish to cause anxiety or anger. If I am honest, I think there are times when you need to tat tight and times when you need to tat loose. Lace can be many things.

Perhaps that’s because I come at this having similar thoughts about organ music. There are times when I choose to play a piece fast with loud stops, other times slower with quieter stops. It depends on what I want the music to convey. I feel quite privileged that I live in a time when that diverse performance is accepted. I remember being a very young organist and listening to older weary organists expressing displeasure that their music wasn’t “right” and the pressure they felt to be perfect. I walked a fine line between respecting established working musicians and rebelling against the norm, doing it my way. That attitude has carried over to my tatting.

Frequently, I study a pattern to figure out how tight to tat. I may even Run-a-Line to see what works. Before I lose people, here’s what I was taught for Run-a-Line:

Using thread and shuttle you wish to tat with, wind on a length long enough for 3 rings and a few chains CTM with the ball. Tat a ring of 8 DS. Close it to create the shape you wish (round circle, teardrop, etc.). Tat a Chain of 8 DS, picot, 8 DS, picot, 8 DS and finish with an overhand knot. These picots can be different lengths to help with your planning. Now comes the telling part: Stretch out the chain stitches as far as possible while keeping the chain flat and straight. Are there gaps, or even spacing between DS? Is there a difference in those gaps between the beginning and end of your chain? How about the ring and chain(s)? Do you want consistency? How does changing thread or shuttle affect this sample?

So, after I Run-a-Line, I have a better idea of how I wish to tat a pattern. All this takes time and energy. Sometimes I just want to tat. Sometimes, I have that perfect idea in mind. I do it my way!

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Since I had empty shuttles....

Renulek is releasing her Spring Doily 2025 (Wiosna 2025). I decided I needed something tatted under a lamp in our living room. The crochet lace I picked up in a resale shop has a bit of damage that I repaired. I just am not crazy about the pattern. So, I’ll tat something to go under the lamp. Here’s what I have so far.

Wiosna 2025 rd 1 by Renulek
I've really enjoyed tatting these doilies. I usually have a hard time actually finishing them. Sometimes it takes me years! Renulek's designs usually have several spots that look so good as you tat along that I like to enjoy them as is before adding the next round. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Shuttles are empty

I have no pictures of lace to share today. I’m at that awkward stage in almost all my projects of planning/designing done but nothing tatted. The next few days will be quite busy at the house, so I’m not sure how much tatting I’ll get done. Maybe I’ll take myself to the local State Park to sit by the fire in Hearst Social Hall and tat there.

Yesterday, I had occasion to walk by the seal pup beach. No activity yet. Soon, though…..

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Begin again.....

I cut off all but the first round of the hair bun holder in this lovely bright thread. I’m comfortable with that decision. It blends the right amount of Perfectionism with Joy of Creating. I will reach for this piece over and over again because I know it’s the way I want it. That’s the name of the game, right?

Besides…..I changed my mind about the beads…….

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Perspiration for creativity

I fear there hasn’t been enough perspiration… the planning stage.

After starting Round 6 of my hair bun holder in brights thread called Cairo, I’ve decided I need to regroup.

It’s ruffling! Round 5 isn’t right and maybe even Round 4. Why? I figure it’s because I didn’t take the time to do the math. I should know better than to just start in with shuttle and thread. I will be taking the time now to put pencil to paper and figure it out correctly.

The result: No ruffling which will make wearing this in my hair a whole lot more enjoyable! 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Can you be excited without feeling stressed?

 That’s what I’m exploring now. What I’m excited about?

Opportunities to demonstrate how an organ is put together…..literally! Our AGOchapter has access to an Orgelkids kit. I get to work with it next month. I’m already trying to convince people here in Monterey that their group would love to have an opportunity to build and play an organ. Gotta check out the video!

A break-through on my design project. I haven’t written much about it here as it was still in the “that’s a cool idea……is it possible?” stage.

Our “house upgrade” (Contractors try to make it less scary with less anxiety. They really do.) is progressing to the painting stage. That should be less banging and noise, but more smells.

Of course, when you get stressed, you get careless. I found I can tat with a blood blister on my left hand. As long as it isn’t on my index finger.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Still guessing

 My guess for stitch count was not correct. I haven’t taken much time to work out this sample. I’ve been busy helping with de-stashing, helping with hosting, helping with planning future organ events, and helping keep the household going in the midst of construction chaos. I love using the word midst. I draw comfort from it because it sounds so much like mist. Living in the middle of construction tends to obscure my ability to remain creative in a focused way. I find myself going off in tangents and not being able to see what is best to do. So, I feel a bit like I’m blindly heading off in a direction that may take me over a cliff or into a dead-end. Never fear, I will keep creating!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Still not quite right


I’m slowly working on the new hair bun holder. This is a sample I’m working up that will end up as another cover for an ornament ball. Because it will not be flat, the ruffling should work out. The next round needs to have enough room for the ornament to slip in, so I guessed at the stitch count. Since my tatting time is limited, it may take awhile to figure out how to proceed.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

It's a New Year!

 Happy New Year to all!!

I enjoyed taking the last 2 weeks off. Really. Despite the whole affair being thrust upon me. My calendar will take awhile to recover. All will get back to normal by the end of the week. Well, except the roofing work, and the painting. Oh, and the new-to-me loom waiting to be set up in the study. And the organ to be tuned so practicing is a bit more enjoyable (cringe).

I haven’t made much progress tatting as it was a case of correct 1 mistake, tat a ring, make another mistake, sigh, then set it aside for the rest of the day. Rinse, repeat each day for 5 days (!) until I got this far: 

Then I set it aside for a week. I’m trying out different ideas on my sample that will cover an ornament ball. I think I will go with what I used on this piece .