
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Inspiration struck....again....whew!

 Months ago I started looking at a Fantasia BWV 572 by JS Bach (surprised at my choice of composer? I hope not!).

The composition is a fine example of the Fantasia form in the Baroque era. Classic (pun intended) ABA with brilliance in the first and last sections with solid harmonies in the middle section. I like puzzling out the structure of the harmony and using the bit of Music Theory I’ve learned over the years. That can usually give me a good basis for putting the music into thread.

Except this time.

Until last night….about 2 AM.

A foray into the thrift shops yesterday uncovered a lovely little doily. I’m in the process of blocking it now so I’ll share a picture later. The center section can be recognized as tatting with a bit of crochet between it and the tatted edging. I’ve worked the edging many times. It’s a simple ring and chain that meanders from edge to center to edge and is fun to work.

That edging inspired the A section motif. I’ll use stacked chains for the B. (chortle with glee can be heard)


  1. Interesting, I recall that I too have had inspirations in the middle of the night. Happy New Year!

  2. Oh good, it’s a wonderful feeling when inspiration strikes.

  3. What a wonderful way to start the new year! Here's to more inspiration in the days ahead 💕
