
Thursday, February 15, 2024

The experiment was a success!

 I was asked recently why I continued to tat other people’s design when I design myself. Well, those forays have given me a lot. I love supporting other tatters. They frequently support me. I try out concepts in designing with fun patterns. Often those patterns inspire my students and my own design concepts.

I’m still working on Muskaan’s Antiks snowflake. I’m working the penultimate repeat. This is a picture of a previous repeat. I loaded up this example with lots of stuff: metallic thread, beads, rings with beads in center, multiple colors of beads, busy schedule that breaks up the tat times into short chunks. Lots of stuff that slows down the tatting and increases the probability of mistakes. I think I’ll be able to finish it this weekend.


  1. I think it would be very narrow minded to insist on tatting only one’s own designs! I look forward to seeing your heavily beaded version of antiks.

  2. I have learned a lot by tatting patterns from others! For me, almost each project I chose was a step towards improvement in some area or other. It is also a fun way to experiment ;-D
    Your sneak peek at the Antiks Snowflake is tantalizing. [BTW, Antiks is not a spelling mistake, but a deliberate portmanteau, LOL]

    1. Thank you for the correction. I knew that, but somehow got it noted wrong. Perhaps I was bamboozled by Spellcheck!
