
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

How to *rest*

 Going into week 4 of this mandatory boredom… I mean *rest*…… I’ve been catching up on reading. I’ve read several magazines, novels, and a few sections of reference books I’d never made time to read before. It’s been…. Instructive.

I’ve also been thinking about what I should focus on when I do get back to work. Now, many of you heard how I very deliberately choose what to do each day. I do set goals (as in what could I do to make the most impact) and create task lists and project files. But this is focus. Sometimes the 15 minutes you spend talking to someone has a bigger impact than the 4 ½ hours you spend creating a piece of art.

Don’t get me wrong, ya gotta get the sweat equity in there! But, sometimes your focus needs to be getting that conversation going or writing that statement/article. That 15 minutes can create more to add to a focus than hours and hours. So, I’ve still been working in my planner/project file. Even if I’m not sliding onto the bench or picking up a shuttle or needle.

Oh, one of the articles I thoroughly enjoyed: But what’s your REAL job? In the June TAO by Sarah MacDonald.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, sometimes it’s more valuable to ditch the to-do list. Sounds like you’re making good use of your enforced rest.
