
Thursday, September 21, 2023

Active *rest*

 A musician will tell you that a rest is an action. Music is organized sound and there must be silence for the noise to make sense. That pregnant pause at the end of the Hallelujah Chorus? Yeah. You figure out real fast that watching the conductor is crucial! Playing a rest is an action, not absence of motion.

So, I’ve been *resting* these past few weeks and have a couple more weeks to go. I knew I was going to be bored and people would be asking when I’m available again. I rehearsed my response. I learned as much as I could about how to recuperate/recover wisely. I gathered around me people who would support me.

I don’t do “invalid” well. I’m much more comfortable rolling up my sleeve and doing things. I’m still not used to claiming victory when I’ve done nothing all day. I know, I know, making sure I’m not tearing out stitches moving around is doing something! But, you know what I mean.

So, I’ll be at *rest* for a few more posts


  1. I hope you get well soon! Rest is a necessary phase, otherwise your recovery will take longer still...

  2. Good analogy! The rest is as important in recovery as in music, I like it.

  3. Never thought of silence as action, but one of my favourite composers (Khayyam) has used silent pauses beautifully and meaningfully in songs. Your words have given me perspective.
    Rest well and make the most of it.
