
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

One of these is not like the other......

 Recently, I’ve been doing a lot of puzzles: jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, crossword puzzles, and the like. Even those search puzzles where you find the differences between two pictures. I know, I know, but I’ve been put on “rest” for a trimester. It’s week 8 of 13 and I’m still not used to this lower level of activity! I’ve been tatting away a bit. Mostly patterns I know and love, samples for classes I’m teaching, and trials of techniques that I just haven’t got done yet.

I’ve been plugging away at BWV 549. I thought I had enough of the Fugue subject motifs tatted. Then, I found some motifs I tatted years ago when I thought up the design. After setting them side by side to compare color (I figured out I’m using the same color.), I discovered I had been making assumptions that are false. I missed a key design point. Can you spot what’s different?


  1. Aside from the beads, the middle chains look different. Is it important or can you go on with your new version? Enforced rest is difficult, but what you gotta do....

  2. Hmm, I cannot spot the missing design point. Waiting for you to reveal it.
