
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

History is repeating

 We have another storm moving in this morning. IF we keep power, I will be able to edit this post later to show what I’ve been up to. I’m not complaining. Our house is warm with no roof leaks. Our yard is stable with just the one tree down. We didn’t lose that much food during the 48 hours without power last week. We were able to help friends and neighbors who were not so lucky. Hopefully the storm will not create more damage. For now, I’m off to take care of details I need power to accomplish. Back soon…..I hope.

Well, a tree decided it couldn't withstand the wind. It didn't fall in our yard. The next block down the hill. It didn't damage any houses, perhaps a car. Within the afternoon, a crew came out and cleared everything away. Now the emergency vehicles can get up the hill on that street. A very good thing as that's a good way to get to the hospital. Back to my boring life tatting samples for the class Friday........

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