
Thursday, June 29, 2023

You see, I mean.....

 Explaining what I do in words has always been difficult for me. I guess because I learned to read music before I learned to read English. No, I didn't really think you'd take that seriously.

My brother would tease me, “Music is your first language, Sis. Stick with it and forget the English.” I’ve learned how to express myself in words….as long as I can edit them. It’s so much easier for me to just sit down at a keyboard and play or sing to convey what I wish.

The same can be said for tatting lace. What I see or imagine can be expressed in thread. I’m learning how to do that too. I still find myself trying to put into words what I’m tatting. For this blog, for the insert I add to my artwork, for friends who know that the lace is inspired by music. Next week I’ll begin another complicated piece of lace. Perhaps I’ll try to give a chronology of the process here. If I can figure out the words!

Off to edit the latest draft of writing about my lace…….


  1. We all express ourselves in different ways. It's lovely that you can do it through such artistic means!

  2. I like to hear the story behind a creation. Certainly helped me appreciate your music inspired piece.
