
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Raft of otters

 This is not a tatting post. Nor is it a music post. It’s a life happened post.

Looking towards Marina

I walk along the Bay for exercise. The storms have definitely made that a scheduled event. The other day, I spotted a raft of otters. There’s all kinds of explanations. Watching them always make me grateful. I’m grateful I don’t need to eat 25% of my body weight each day. 10-15 lbs of shellfish would be a challenge. No wonder they don’t have time to tat. Living in the water may be inconvenient for that also.

blurry close up with my phone

For more information, watch your newsfeed of nature stories, visit the Aquarium website, or come down to watch the otters yourself!



  1. Replies
    1. Otters can be voracious. We're losing kelp due to storm tides. It all adds up to a delicate balance. Kinda like tension in knitting or thread chicken in tatting.
