
Tuesday, January 7, 2025

It's a New Year!

 Happy New Year to all!!

I enjoyed taking the last 2 weeks off. Really. Despite the whole affair being thrust upon me. My calendar will take awhile to recover. All will get back to normal by the end of the week. Well, except the roofing work, and the painting. Oh, and the new-to-me loom waiting to be set up in the study. And the organ to be tuned so practicing is a bit more enjoyable (cringe).

I haven’t made much progress tatting as it was a case of correct 1 mistake, tat a ring, make another mistake, sigh, then set it aside for the rest of the day. Rinse, repeat each day for 5 days (!) until I got this far: 

Then I set it aside for a week. I’m trying out different ideas on my sample that will cover an ornament ball. I think I will go with what I used on this piece .


  1. You have a lot on the go! The tatting is very pretty.

  2. I love how this is progressing! Hope this year is more kind to you in every sphere 😍
