Tuesday, June 30, 2020
What makes your tatting art?
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Turn in time
It’s time to turn it in: my donation piece to raise money for Carmel Bach Festival. As always, no pictures of the piece you can bid on, but here’s a small portion:
Pictures of the full piece will be taken by a professional
and posted when the show opens. I’ll be sharing links soon.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
History really does matter
Those of you who follow this blog regularly know that Ialways keep one eye turned to what has been done before. You also may have noted that I do not insist
on any one particular method of tatting, not one particular method of learning
music. Since the history of tatting has been obscured through time, and no two
organs are alike, I don’t spend a lot of time on how to, I just try to focus on
results and what works this particular time. Lest you wonder, I am highly
critical of my own efforts. I record myself regularly when practicing,
photograph my tatting from all angles, and seek out comments from those who
know and from those who have never experienced the process. I may not have
strict methods, but I operate on the knowledge that details matter. That’s
where History comes in.
I feel we must know from where we come so that we can focus
our energies and resources on what will matter in the future. It’s exciting to
me to find out what other people have created. Sometimes I don’t like it.
Sometimes I can’t get enough. So, I spend quite a bit of time listening tomusic, visiting museums, reading and watching and soaking it up. I hope that
those efforts are not just wasted time, but the chance to discover what someone
has found important. All that is to say, I don’t have pictures of what I’ve
been tatting, I don’t have videos or sound clips of my organ playing, lately I’ve
been playing with a lot of ideas.
I will share a link to a rather fun look at an organ
competition: https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/videos/pipe-dreams/
This is a 55 minute show following several young organists as they compete in an International Competition in Canada. You’ll see a wide variety of organs, although nothing is shared about the individual instruments. You’ll see a wide variety of backgrounds, although nothing is shared about where the young people are now. You’ll hear a wide variety of music, although most of the clips are just highly edited snippets.
If you want more, you’ll need to spend a fair amount of time on Youtube and other surfing. Since this competition is held every 3 years, you’ll have lots of time before the next one. In the meantime, please seek out local musicians and artists whether or not they enter competitions. We’re starting to get back to doing what we do best.
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Enough introspection! Time for music and lace:
I’ve been reading a thesis written for a Master’s Degree in
Music Education. The premise is that teaching basic aural skills in music is
enhanced when color is assigned to musical ideas. Quite fascinating and I’ve a
list of materials to find for further reading plus a list of people to write to
and ask after ideas I’ve come up with. Music and lace. Seems more possible now.
Here’s what came from my shuttles most recently:
I will start on figuring out the border next. If anyone
recognizes this pattern, please let me know. I feel certain it has been
published before. I’ve looked through my books and done a bit of research
online, but have not found any hints yet. Anyone????
Oh, and June 2020 will be Glorious!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
A pleasant surprise
This is the gift my Secret Stitcher gave me!
She described how she made it with a small loom like the Weave-itloom I have. I’m so pleased!!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Just a word. We can use it as a noun or verb. Add a few
letters and Glory becomes Glorious. Will June 2020 be Glorious?
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
A different June
June 2020
This will be a different June. The June of my youth was a
time to rest, shift gears to summer, to do something different. The June of my
adult years has been a time to shift a bit, engineer a bit of family vacation,
shift gears to summer, and clear up after another year of school activities.
This June will be a different June.
I’ve been clearing up. I’ve shifted gears already. I’ve been
doing things differently. I keep hanging on to what I can: walks by the Bay,
exploring organs and organ literature, tatting new designs. Will it be enough?
I think that’s my take-away from June 2020. Enough is
different this year. Staying healthy is enough. The rest is Glory.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
What fun!
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Another group of tatters loose on the world!