
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Learning to design

 I’m still working on figuring out what goes with these motifs to finish the Thread that Binds doily. I still struggle to figure out what may work for designs. That skill needs to be honed. For now, I usually end up thumbing through books that have doily patterns to see if one leaps off the page.

Yesterday, nothing looked like it would work. Sigh!

On to books with snowflakes.

A book I have with Christmas tatting by Monica hahn (Not capitalized on the book cover. Really!!) has an edging I decided to tat up in the thread to compare size:

I liked the way it looks. Reminds me of a special mouse. I think it just may work!

Incidentally, Disneyland is joining the effort to vaccinateagainst COVID. Thank you for helping out!


  1. Yes, designing is not necessarily as simple as it looks! I like it when designers show their steps and we can realise how many abandoned bits there were before the final design.

  2. I've thought of posting my steps. But, I decided to keep those comments to the workshops I lead on my designs. I find I need the feedback on how well people are following my analysis of the music.

  3. Sometimes designs just happen; most times it a lot of trial and tweaking. Okay, now I'll be seeing MM every time I come across this motif 😃
