
Thursday, October 8, 2020

How I learned

 I dislike relating how I learned to play the organ or how I learned to tat. I do tell folks. I just don’t see it as important. What I do now is more important to me. Incidentally, now I play the organ for the enjoyment of people, to enhance a worship service, and to share music I think everyone should know about. Now I tat to express what I see in life in thread. I also teach. And that is why I have begun to tell people how I learned to play the organ and to tat.

I began playing the organ as a preteen. My peers hardly understood it. Adults thought it was cute. I just like playing the organ.

I began to tat as a teen. I like working with fiber. I fail at knitting and crochet. I can’t sit still. A relative, who didn’t tat, had a shuttle and a book. I figured it out.

There! That’s how I learned.

Earlier this week I recorded another 30 minutes of organ music at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Here’s the Youtube channel link: .  The church is always empty except for the gentleman who films me. We both wear masks. That doesn’t mean that nothing is happening. The church is still very involved in the community. They support food banks for seniors, they provide assistance for Spanish speakers, and maintain several Zoom based discussion groups. They are not closed, just not meeting in person. They deserve to be supported.

Thank you for reading my rant/plea. Now on to practicing and tatting!


  1. It’s like the question of how my husband and I met, which I’m often asked. Who cares? The important thing is that you enjoy playing the organ and tatting. You go girl.

    1. How my husband and I met is a favorite family story (He lived across the hall from me in the dorm at college. One snowy day he threw snowballs at my window.) followed closely by how he proposed: April 1st - April Fool's Day. I said "really?!!!" Then quickly accepted!
