
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Spring 2020

Several times in my life I’ve had to pivot. My original plan for education didn’t pan out, I came up with a plan B. My original plan for a career didn’t pan out, I came up with several different plans. Spring of 2020 that has been so true. I’ve pivoted a lot in the last few weeks. I don’t mind.

I usually go through a period of disappointment, even anger. I dislike living in those emotions.

 I usually go through a period of exploration trying out lots of ideas. I dislike wasting time with activity that doesn’t meet my needs or others.

I usually go through a period of obsessive work. I dislike not taking care of my basic needs.

Then, I wake up one morning knowing what I need to do.

Right now, I’m still in the exploration period. I’m focusing on trying out new ways to use technology. I’m using the time to finish several huge projects. When I get to the point of knowing what I need to do, I’ll let you know. Honest. There’ll be pictures to share, music to hear, and for those local, parties to celebrate.

For now, here’s progress on a side project that’s well, huge!


  1. Pivoting is not an easy process. Love your terminology though! Good luck.

  2. Wonderful progress! That looks like a tremendous project, and you've come so far already. It's gorgeous.
