
Thursday, March 1, 2012

the blogging experience

The good part about how busy I’ve been lately is that I’m busy and earning money. The bad part about how busy I’ve been lately is that I’m busy and not able to keep up some things…like picking up after the kitties, keeping up with the blog posting, and folding laundry. I am keeping up with work and such, so I’ll make progress on the rest soon.

I have wanted to put up a website on the internet for quite some time. I’m drawn to getting information out there. Must be on account of all the happy hours I spent at the library as a young child. I was raised to be a lifelong learner too. But…..this internet and computer programming stuff turned out to be just a bit daunting. I’ve found I can handle the blog stuff though. Just the right amount of structure and just the right amount of blank canvas. I’ll get to the website later.
So, on with the organ music and the tatting.
Thank you for visiting and please let me know with a comment what you like best.

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